Knee Brace Supports for Skiing
Skiing is a demanding physical activity that is hard on your body, especially the knees. The knees absorb impact applied in differing angles all while maintaining the correct bend to keep you in the perfect form.
A knee brace offers protection for a knee that has recovered from an injury or if you are taking preventive measures to avoid an injury. Existing injuries or weakness are more susceptible to further injuries and increased pain. For example, arthritis sufferers are more likely to experience increased knee pain due to the constant inflammation in the area.
Do You Need A Knee Brace?
The answer is, it depends. You will need to consider the strength, and stability, and age of your knees when determining the answer to this question.
Skiing after recovering from a knee injury with a brace offers support and stability. Placing extreme force on the knee joint can tear cartilage and/or ligaments. Damaging these soft tissues will result in knee pain which can occur from twisting and compressive forces.
Types of Knee Braces
There are 4 standard types of knee braces. The knee sleeve, functional brace, rehabilitative brace, and unloader/offloader brace. Each brace is designed to treat a different condition. While each of these types of knee braces offers support while skiing, the condition of your knees and level of protection you desire will determine which type of knee brace will work best for you.
Knee Sleeve Support (Prophylactic)
These braces are excellent for preventing injury during sports activities. Knee sleeves are flexible and allow for more mobility when compared to traditional knee bracing. This type of brace will provide support and can help prevent injury on the slopes.
Knee sleeves provide warmth and compression. The compression improves blood flow and receptive input, allowing you to execute regulated and steady motions. The compression also limits kneecap movement providing additional stability. By using a knee sleeve, the knee can attain its optimal operating temperature.
Functional Knee Brace
These are typically used by patients who have already injured their knee. Functional knee braces are designed to stabilize the knee during rotation and movement towards the front and back.
Patients who need support following ACL injury, ACL tear or require additional support after ACL surgery may also benefit from a functional knee brace. Many professional athletes use functional knee braces to avoid re-injuring their knees.
Rehabilitative Knee Brace
Rehabilitative braces are commonly worn post-surgery or after an injury to promote rehabilitation and healing. A rehabilitative brace restricts movement to protect injured ligaments during recovery. A common type of knee brace is an immobilizer knee brace. This type of brace keeps the knee straight and will fully or partially restrict the knee's range of motion.
Rehabilitative knee braces are typically worn for a limited duration after surgery as directed by a health professional to protect the MCL, ACL, PCL, LCL or associated injuries. The restricted movement provided by a rehabilitative knee brace is not suitable for physical activities such as skiing.
Unloader/Offloader Knee Brace
This type of knee brace is used to unload pressure from one side of the knee joint to the other side when treating unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis. Moving pressure from the joint side afflicted by osteoarthritis to the healthy side helps provide stability and support.
An unloader brace applies pressure to the thigh bone which limits side movement of the joint. This shifts the weight to the healthy side of the joint, reducing pain and further damage. These types of knee braces are suitable for skiers with knee osteoarthritis.
We're Here to Help
The team of experts at Elite Medical Supply is here to help identify the right knee brace for your knee condition and recovery. We offer a wide selection of braces from world-class manufacturers to help alleviate pain and aid recovery. Take a look at our selection of back braces by clicking here.
When you're ready to order a brace or need assistance making a choice we're here to help. You can reach us at 866-712-0881, send us an email, or fill out a contact form.
Written by Elite Medical Supply
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